Antonina Schmidtke

Director of Client Services


About Mike

30 years ago, I would never have guessed I would become a residential real estate agent. I never saw myself as a “sales-y” type of person. The standard realtor photo shots (arms crossed, arms on hips.) were something that I could never do. What I knew about real estate was pretty much what I gleaned from watching “Glengarry Glen Ross” – not my cup of tea.

Growing up I had a blessed life. I loved playing and watching sports – team sports in particular. I generally did well at school, specifically in math. I got a Math degree and played football at university. It was the sport I loved and still love the most. The commitment, the sacrifice, the planning, the detail, the cohesion, going to battle with and for teammates. These are all experiences and virtues that I value. And there is no feeling like being on a team that does all of that for each other.

Yet, I was pretty realistic about my long-term future in the sport as a player. How would I find something as challenging and fulfilling? How would I find something that felt like a TEAM?

My journey began.

Over the next 20 years or so, I’d have amazing career opportunities and experiences in accounting, then back to school for my MBA, then in banking, then starting what became a very successful business in the sports world with a partner. We ran it well. We invested, we grew. It was fulfilling and people loved us. We lived with ‘integrity’ and ‘compassion’ every day.

During this time I met my wife, Rebecca. We had three beautiful children – Bridget, Grady and Nolan. However, life also threw us a devastating curveball. Early in Rebecca’s pregnancy with Bridget – our first child – they discovered an abnormality that would make her time with us too short.. We lost Bridget after a few beautiful days with her. It was a sledgehammer of harsh reality.

I did have great support through this time from the team at work, but I soon admitted it wasn’t where I was meant to be forever. And life can be too short and precious to stay somewhere for the wrong reasons.

Thankfully some people saw an opportunity that worked for everybody. They made me an offer to buy me out and I was able to get a fresh start in professional life again.

I had some time to think about what was next and I was drawn more and more towards real estate. I learned the process. I made sales. I clicked with people. I saw the difference real estate made to peoples’ lives. I treated them with respect. With integrity. I figured out what THEY needed from me and delivered it to them.

It required investment and building a team of great people. It allowed me to create a culture where the people on my team are valued for who they are. I soon found that this is what I’d been waiting for. It’s certainly NOT “Glengarry Glen Ross”, but it IS real estate.

Like I said, I never would have guessed it was where I’m meant to be. But this is the team I’d been seeking for a very, very long time.

Being a realtor allows me to create a Mission Statement that we can all unite around – “Delivering Home Happiness” to our clients, with a set of Guiding Principles that both empower my team members and align our actions with the goal of accomplishing Our Mission with each and every client.

It allows

my team and I to live every day with integrity, commitment, selflessness and compassion in service to our clients. It is simply what I have always been looking for even if it took me a while to find it.

I know that downsizing is difficult. It usually means moving from where your family’s memories were made and often the place you have lived the longest. It is not easy to leave those behind and to deal with all the ‘stuff’ you’ve accumulated. It usually occurs at a time in life where you aren’t as young and limber as you once were. It is daunting. It is exhausting before you even get started.

This is why we developed our 3R Method to help Hamilton-area Empty Nesters like you successfully downsize, as efficiently and pain-free as possible.

You can rest assured that behind the system is a team of committed professionals who care and operate on your behalf, and with integrity. A team where everyone has the personal “make up” to perfectly fit into that vision I have always had and that finally came to me through real estate.

We are a team that always “has your back” and always, ALWAYS – puts your “Home Happiness” above all.


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